woensdag 11 april 2018

A walk in the park.

Hi everybody!!

If you're reading this: cool! Nice that people are still checking out my captions! <3
It's been three weeks since I first uploaded again, and I'm pleasantly surprised by myself for continuing. It might not be a lot, but I was never one to crank them out insanely fast anyway. This is an art! An art I tell you!

This time I made a caption based on an idea that I had years ago. Writing down ideas is always a good idea. It's actually a set-up for a sequal captions which I'll be working on next. I've never attempted something like that, so let me know what you think!

The font I've used this time is slightly different as well. It's a bit more cutesey, but what was very notable for me while working on this was the amount of space between lines. It's larger than the line space of the previous font.

Anyways, I'd love to see some people leaving a message on these. Getting feedback does wonder to one's motivation, and it'll greatly increase the chance that more captions will be coming, so as one long-time lurker to the rest of the internet: Just do it! Interaction is fun! x3
Let me know which font y'all prefer as well! :)


maandag 19 maart 2018

The biggest mistake to be maid.

Hello everyone, Charlane here!

I am sure most of you didn't expect to see me post a caption here again. Truthfully, neither did I. It has been almost five years since I last posted here. I was 19, an I am 24 now. That is such a long time that it's only logical I've grown as an individual, and no longer am the person who used to post here so long ago. That being said, I still love captions, continued lurking the past few years, and still hold onto a good portion of the preferences I used to have.

Whether I'll be posting any more is uncertain, but I just felt like making a caption for this extremely adorable drawing I had found. Took me quite a while to regain access to this blog. ^^''
I also gave it a cute little make-over. It's more pink now. <3

And with that; I hope you like my caption. ^^